by Stephanie Chan, CISCO

What is Hybrid IT?

The tech industry is full of complex terms that can be difficult to understand. If you’ve ever seen or heard the phrase “Hybrid IT”—here’s a breakdown of what the trending term means.

Hybrid IT is the capacity for organizations to deliver on cloud as well as on-premises data center solutions. Many places can’t rely just on on-location automation, and need the cloud to achieve things like faster deployment, secure connectivity, and better performance monitoring.

Like its name implies, Hybrid IT is a mix of two things that work together, and it is completely necessary in this era of digital transformation.  CIO writes that Hybrid IT is the model to address a growing set of business challenges—like the need to move faster, helping customer experiences in a real-time way, and distributing data efficiently.

What are the advantages of Hybrid IT?

If an organization has Hybrid IT, it means they have the power of both the on-premise and cloud data centers—therefore, they’ll have the right tools for every challenge they meet. On-premises data work well for low-latency and high-data workloads, while cloud helps in scalability and data distribution.

Delivering data is speedier and more agile with Hybrid IT, and businesses can accelerate their pace of innovation because they’ll be able to deploy anywhere. With one environment across cloud and on-premise, it may become easier and quicker to go to market as well.

What does Cisco have to do with Hybrid IT?

Cisco’s Hybrid solution for Kubernetes on Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides organizations the ability to deploy, secure, connect, and monitor Kubernetes-based apps on-premises and in the AWS cloud. With the Hybrid Solution for Kubernetes, users can connect their on-premises investments with public cloud innovation. Users access AWS’s Identity and Access Management integrated with Cisco’s Container Platform to manage their Kubernetes apps.

Cisco believes it has the best of both worlds with Hybrid IT—on-premises and in the cloud. It mixes the consistency of on-premises with the openness of the cloud, the development of apps with cloud deployment, and the security of on-premises with cloud speed.

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