Aarogya Setu app will now show the vaccinated status for users who have received the jab with Blue Ticks and Blue Shield. The Government of India’s contact tracing app on Tuesday announced the arrival of a new feature that will show whether the users are vaccinated. The app was initially introduced as a way to track infected people or whether or not a user is in a high-risk area where COVID-19 cases are prevalent. The app can also be used for getting appointments for vaccination, in conjunction with the CoWIN platform.
The new feature for Aarogya Setu app was announced through a tweet on May 25. “Now your Vaccination Status can be updated on Aarogya Setu. Get yourself vaccinated – Get the Double Blue Ticks and Get the Blue Shield.” reads the tweet. The Aarogya Setu app will show the vaccinated status using double Blue Ticks and a Blue Shield under the Your Status tab on the home screen. The new ticks and shield will only show up once the user has taken both the doses.
Additionally, users can also use the Aarogya Setu app to download their COVID-19 vaccination certificate along with the CoWIN app. Users who have had both their doses administered can download the certificate which serves as a proof that the person has been vaccinated against COVID-19. Both the platforms are managed by the Government of India.