Cyberabad Police and SCSC to organise High Profile Women’s Conclave on 20th February

• Dr Tessy Thomas, Director General of Aeronautical Systems, DRDO will be the Chief Guest

• Jayesh Ranjan, Principal Secretary, IT, Govt of Telangana and Ms. Sai Pallavi, Actress will be the guest of honour

• Ms. Shailee Basnet, Mountaineer; SS Rajamouli, the Bahubali fame Director; Seema Rao, Women Commando Trainer; among many will speak at the Conclave

Hyderabad, India, February 14, 2020 : Cyberabad Police and SCSC (Society for Cyberabad Security Council) to organise High Profile Women’s Conclave and Awards “Women Security Conclave – She M Power” here in the Cyberabad at HICC on 20th February, 2020.

Bharani Kumar, Vice Chairman of SCSC said, The Society for Cyberabad Security Council (SCSC) is the joint collaboration between Cyberabad Police Commissionerate and IT industry to promote Hyderabad as the preferred IT destination.

V C Sajjanar, Cyberabad Police Commissioner said, Society for Cyberabad Security Council acts as a bridge between the IT industry and Cyberabad Police to meet the safety and security needs of IT corridor since its inception in 2006.

She M Power was launched last year at the first Women’s Conclave with a vision that in the true sense Women can be empowered when their counterpart male will Respect them, create an opportunity for their Rise and help them Reach their goals. 1200 participants including few police officials from across Telangana & other states will be participating, he added.

Krishna Vedula, General Secretary of SCSC said, The theme of the Conclave, is “SHE M Power” focusing on Respect-Reach-Rise. RESPECT is Enabling conducive environment for women at the Work place. Uniqueness in Gender diversity within the organisation. The REACH will enable Stringent Safety & Security measures/ policies/ practices in place this Aiding facilities for women at workplace.

The RISE enables Development, Progression, Mentoring opportunities for Women. We will be felicitating few Women from different fields who have contributed to the Society in an Impactful. Further, Safe App will be launched during the conclave, he added.

As part of the annual recognition for champions in the cause of Women Safety & empowerment, SCSC will present awards on three categories :

• She M power – Best male ally

• Safe workplace award – Best practices employed on women safety and

• Safe workplace award- Best practices to strengthen the prevention of sexual harrassment at workplace shared Pratyusha Sharma, Joint Secretary (Women’s Forum).

About the Event : 

Cyberabad Police and Society for Cyberabad Security Council (SCSC) to organise the SCSC Women’s Conclave titled ‘SHE MPOWER’ on the 20th of February 2020, an event to commemorate the meticulous efforts of the industry and SCSC to empower women. There have been persistent efforts towards this cause by the collaborative effort of the Police and industry. The conclave is to commemorate the focused work through multiple intellectual discussions.

The theme of the Conclave is SHE EmpoweR focusing on Respect-Reach-Rise.

• RESPECT : Enabling conducive environment for women at the Workplace. Uniqueness in Gender diversity within the org.

• REACH : Stringent Safety & Security measures/policies/practices. Aiding facilities for women at workplace

RISE : Development, Progression, Mentoring opportunities for Women

Image Caption :  L to R –  Bharani Kunar – Vice Chairman SCSC , Krishna Vedula – General Secretary SCSC, V C Sajjanar – Cyberabad Police Commissioner,  Smt. Anasuya, Ms. Pratyusha Sharma and others addressing a press conference.