Brunei launches broadband uplift programme to boost internet speed for subscribers

The Brunei Telecommunications Industry recently activated the Broadband Uplift programme with the aim to raise the fixed broadband baseline speed for all subscribers to at least 50Mbps.

This initiative is driven by the telecommunication service providers Datastream Digital Sdn Bhd (DST), imagine Sdn Bhd and Progresif Sdn Bhd, supported by Authority for Info-Communications Technology Industry (AITI), Darussalam Assets Sdn Bhd and Unified National Networks Sdn Bhd (UNN) to champion the nation’s progress towards transforming Brunei into a Smart Nation, aligned with the Digital Economy Masterplan 2025 and Wawasan Brunei 2035.

Image: Iqbal Dato Selamat

The Brunei Telecommunications Industry’s objective is to ensure that the country, and its population, achieve meaningful digital connectivity and elevates the nation to global standards.

Currently, the July 2022 Global Median Speed reports from Ookla ( indicated Brunei as number 99 globally with its fixed broadband median speed.

Image: The Bruneian

“The new broadband uplift gives us the opportunity to introduce a bigger, better, faster, and stronger broadband product suite to our customers. We have sent out notifications to our subscribers informing them of the changes that will be made to their existing plans. The changes of speed in the base plans will be reflected on the Progresif CARE+ app immediately on 01st September 2022,” said Head of Product & Segment in Progresif Abby Chu.

Image: The Bruneian

On her part, Chief Executive Officer of imagine Suzannawati Haji Suharju said, “As we anticipate this exciting change in the national development of ICT together, in the coming weeks, imagine will conduct community engagement activities to socialise these latest offerings while at the same time highlight opportunities associated with higher bandwidth speeds. Imagine customers who are upgraded may view their latest plans through the imagineGo app and website portal at”

Meanwhile, DST Acting Chief Operating Officer Ang Kian Han added: “We live in an era where everything has to be fast, so we constantly need to be up-to-date which is why we are giving our Infinity subscribers a choice to upgrade their plan either with SuperSpeed for Faster Speed or SuperSize for Bigger Data via the MyDST app conveniently.”

Image: The Bruneian

While the system enhancement to uplift fixed broadband subscribers currently on 20Mbps, 50Mbps and 100Mbps base plans commence today onwards at no costs and with little to no interruption of service, affected fixed broadband subscribers are kindly advised to be patient and to contact their respective service providers if any issues are experienced.


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