CBI Academy of India joins the INTERPOL Global Academy Network

SINGAPORE – The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Academy of India took a significant step towards enhancing international cooperation and bolstering law enforcement efforts by officially joining the INTERPOL Global Academy Network on 8 August as its 10th member.

The move will help enhance regional and global police capacity as well as foster collaboration among law enforcement agencies worldwide.

Launched in 2019, the INTERPOL Global Academy Network is led by INTERPOL’s Capacity Building and Training Directorate and aims to lead a global approach to law enforcement training.

By assisting INTERPOL in delivering specialized trainings on its policing capabilities, offering programmes of continuing education, jointly developing and delivering new training programmes, and collaborating on joint research projects, Network members support INTERPOL in expanding upskilling opportunities for law enforcement around the globe.

With a vast training catalogue and expertise, including advanced scientific investigations, cybercrime investigations, cyber forensics, economic crimes and anti-corruption, the CBI Academy of India will enrich the training offer available to INTERPOL member countries in the Asia region and beyond.

INTERPOL and CBI officials at the signing ceremony

Opening of the signing ceremony in which India’s CBI joined the INTERPOL Global Academy Network

Both parties with the signed Letter of Acceptance

Attendees from INTERPOL, CBI HQ and NCB India

The online ceremony marking the CBI Academy’s entry into the INTERPOL Global Academy Network was attended by high-ranking officials from both parties, underlying the importance of forging lasting partnerships and promoting training and shared values on a regional and global scale.

Glenn Martindale, Director of the INTERPOL Capacity Building and Training Directorate, commented: “The CBI Academy’s inclusion in the Network […] is not only a recognition of its expertise in police training but also an acknowledgment of its willingness to share best practices, innovative approaches, and lessons learned. By working together, we can tackle complex and evolving security challenges that transcend borders, uniting our efforts to safeguard our communities and promote justice on a global scale.”

The INTERPOL Global Academy Network is rapidly expanding and INTERPOL expects further members to join later in 2023.


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