From Launch to Liftoff — Insider Secrets That Will Help You Build a Thriving Startup

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Launching a startup is no small feat; it’s a thrilling ride but also a bumpy one, and it takes more than a bright idea to navigate it successfully. Securing funds, putting together a dream team, setting appropriate goals and managing the daily hustle are all part of the gig.

Over the years, not just working with startups but also founding one myself, I’ve seen firsthand that there’s no one-size-fits-all process. However, having the right mindset and a few solid strategies can take you a long way, and these strategies work across the board as success is usually dependent on your approach and commitment.

Related: 8 Practical Tips for Successfully Launching Your Startup

Time and resources

Mastering time and resource management is a critical element in the formula for startup success. My entrepreneurial journey taught me that trying to juggle all balls at once can often lead to dropping them all; it’s important to remember that not every task demands your direct input and many could be managed more efficiently by others.

However, this isn’t merely about shifting tasks; it’s about empowering your team, enhancing their skills and freeing up your schedule to focus on pivotal aspects. As a founder, your prime responsibility should be steering the strategic course, envisioning your venture’s future and tracking progress. Operational tasks, while vital, can and should be delegated.

Executive leadership

Teaching and guiding require effort, and this is where fractional executives step in. They handle crucial business areas for specific projects or durations, adding much-needed agility to your startup’s dynamic pace. A fractional Chief Operations Officer (COO) can optimize operations, while a Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) addresses talent issues, freeing you to strategize and drive results.

It’s important to note that “fractional” doesn’t mean “disengaged.” In fact, these executives are deeply committed to your business’ success, providing expertise as needed. This gives you timely support without the commitment of a full-time role.

Leveraging their rich knowledge, fractional executives can significantly elevate your operations and strategy. And before making any commitments, you have the opportunity to experience specific roles or individuals, which significantly reduces hiring risks. Also, their vast networks can introduce you to potential investors, partners, vendors and clients.

I’ve personally witnessed fractional roles like COO, CHRO, CTO or CEO making significant positive impacts. The primary advantage? Cost-effectiveness. You receive top-tier expertise without the full-time executive cost.


One of the biggest mistakes I’ve seen startups make is chasing funds without a solid plan on how to manage them. After all, money has a sneaky way of slipping if you’re not keeping a close eye on it. Bringing in a finance wiz, like a fractional Chief Financial Officer (CFO), right from the get-go, may be one of the best things you can do. An experienced Fractional COO can help attach numbers and dates to your goals, helping put investors’ minds at ease when making the decision to invest.

You may be thinking, “But I can do all this myself,” and if so, that’s great! However, if you spend all of your time worrying about budgets and timelines, you will have a harder time finding the bandwidth to strategize and work toward your company’s growth potential.

Bringing someone on board helps you understand your burn rate and project revenues and helps you align expenses with growth plans, almost effortlessly. They can establish a robust financial plan that builds investor trust — the key ingredient needed to secure and sustain funding long-term — while allowing you to focus on your product, service or market.

Related: 8 Bulletproof Ways of Turning a Startup Into a Thriving Business

Systems and processes

As your startup scales, your operational volume will increase rapidly. The capability to manage this surge without a corresponding hike in complexity, risk and cost is crucial for viability. A seasoned pro like a COO, with a resume spanning across industries and companies, can use their sixth sense to avoid unnecessary risk, spot inefficiencies and create processes to optimize growth.

A good COO establishes scalable systems and workflows that evolve with your startup, ensuring smooth and effective operations throughout multiple growth stages and eliminating the need for constant process reevaluation.


In the fast-paced startup world, leveraging technology can fuel growth. Incorporating AI and machine learning can streamline complex processes, provide valuable customer insights and enable trend analysis and prediction, giving your startup a competitive edge, faster.

However, it’s crucial to remember that technology is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It should strategically align with your startup’s unique needs and overarching business strategy.

Having a technology expert well-versed in the startup landscape, such as a fractional COO, CIO (Chief Information Officer) or CTO (Chief Technology Officer), can provide support tailored to your needs. They can implement suitable technologies, create growth plans and offer insights on tech options that complement your mission, preserving the human touch amid the automation race.

Networking and strategic partnerships

Through my experiences, I’ve come to recognize something important: The most valuable opportunities and lessons often emerge when we least expect them, and only by keeping an open, adaptable and receptive mindset can we truly seize such opportunities.

We can sometimes fall into the illusion of having all the solutions, but truth be told, we don’t, and it’s important to acknowledge our limitations. In fact, when we become immersed in our business bubble, we can develop blind spots that limit our ability to think outside the box and explore new possibilities. In comes networking.

Networking goes beyond expanding your business connections — it can not only enhance existing strategies but also uncover innovative ideas, foster collaborations and ultimately drive your startup toward its next breakthrough in the most efficient way possible. So, I encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone, collect new perspectives and use your interactions to enhance the way you operate.

There’s incredible strength in acknowledging that you shouldn’t do it all alone. In fact, the secret to a thriving startup lies in your ability to recognize and admit when you need assistance. So, surround yourself with experts who can contribute to your growth, and remind yourself that asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness, but rather a cornerstone to success.

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