eWEEK TweetChat, March 12th: How Tech Pros Get the Most From AI

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On Tuesday, March 12th at 8 AM PT, eWeek will host its monthly #eWEEKChat. The topic will be How Tech Pros Get the Most From AI, and it will be moderated by James Maguire, eWEEK’s Editor-in-Chief.

In this TweetChat, experts share practical advice about how AI can boost productivity for today’s companies and the busy tech professionals they employ. Using X – formerly known as Twitter – we’ll explore strategies for maximizing competitive advantage from today’s hypergrowth in AI tools and software platforms.

See below for the resources you need to participate in the eWeek Tweetchat.

Participants List: Getting the Most From AI

The list of experts for this month’s TweetChat currently includes the following – please check back for additional expert guests:

TweetChat Questions: Getting the Most From AI

The questions we’ll tweet about will include the following – check back for more/revised questions:

  1. Here in early 2024, what’s your sense of how companies view AI? Eager, wary, confused?

2. What’s the biggest challenge companies face in using AI productively? Security concerns, lack of training?

3. What advice would you give to companies to enable them to use AI more productively, at a staff level?

4. As a tech professional, what’s your view toward your own use of AI? Has ChatGPT (and similar platforms) become a part of your routine?

5. Do you have a favorite AI tool? Why do you like it? Or why not?

6. What are your personal concerns about using AI tools? Data security? Accuracy of response?

7. Is your device ever an issue? Do you ever require more robust compute power to handle an AI request?

8. What advice do you give to colleagues and other tech professionals to help them be more productive with AI?

9. Looking to the future, how active a role do you expect AI to play in your workflow?

10. What’s one last big thought that your tech colleagues should know about getting the most from AI?

How to Participate in the TweetChat

The chat begins promptly at 8 AM PT on March 12th. To participate:

  1. Open Twitter in your browser. You’ll use this browser to Tweet your replies to the moderator’s questions.

2. Open Twitter in a second browser. On the menu to the left, click on Explore. In the search box at the top, type in #eweekchat. This will open a column that displays all the questions and all the panelists’ replies.

Remember: you must manually include the hashtag #eweekchat for your replies to be seen by that day’s tweetchat panel of experts.

That’s it — you’re ready to go. Be ready at 8 AM PST to participate in the tweetchat.

NOTE: There is sometimes a few seconds of delay between when you tweet and when your tweet shows up in the #eWeekchat column.

#eWEEKchat Tentative Schedule for 2024*

January 16: Governing Generative AI
February 13: Data Analytics Best Practices
March 12: How Tech Pros Get the Most From AI
April 16: Managing Multicloud Computing
May 14: Optimizing Generative AI
June 11: Mid-Year Look Ahead: Future of Tech

*all topics subjects to change

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