Bipartisan group of senators urges implementation of tech to connect vehicles

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Sen. Gary Peters, Chair of the Subcommittee on Surface Transportation, led a bipartisan group of Senate colleagues in calling on the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) to prioritize implementation of connected vehicle technologies to make America’s roadways safer.

In a letter, the Senators shared their support for DOT’s draft plan released earlier this year, which would accelerate Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) deployment. C-V2X is an intelligent transportation system (ITS) technology that allows for data sharing between vehicles, roadside infrastructure, and nearby road users to enable various roadway safety and efficiency applications – including collision prevention, traffic signal priority for first responders or transit vehicles, and improved school bus safety.

“We join public and private transportation stakeholders in calling on the Department to elevate the deployment of connected vehicle technologies like Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (“C-V2X”) to a national priority,” wrote Peters and his colleagues. “Strong federal leadership from DOT in the rapid development and implementation of a C-V2X deployment plan will help achieve our mutual goals of eliminating traffic deaths and making America’s roads safer and more efficient for all users.”

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 42,795 people died in motor vehicle crashes in 2022, staying consistent with 2021 figures which reflected the highest number of fatalities since 2005. NHTSA data also shows that vehicle-to-vehicle communication, such as C-V2X, could eliminate or mitigate the severity of up to 80 percent of non-impaired multi-vehicle light vehicle crashes.

“We support DOT’s commitment to make our roads safer for all users with the goal of achieving zero fatalities,” the senators continued. “Accomplishing this critical public safety objective will require DOT, other federal agencies, state and local partners, and other transportation stakeholders to adopt meaningful technology solutions, including deployment of C-V2X.”

Below are statements in support of the letter:

“Accelerating the deployment of C-V2X technology will support MDOT’s primary goal to improve safety for all road users,” said Michigan Department of Transportation Director Bradley C. Wieferich. “Traffic crashes and fatalities are continuing to rise, and now more than ever we need to deploy every tool available to save lives. New vehicle technologies are improving driver safety every day, C-V2X could accelerate road safety beyond our expectations.”

“5GAA appreciates the support for C-V2X that Senator Peters and Senator Young have long championed as demonstrated with this letter to Transportation Secretary Buttigieg. We are delighted that several other Senators have joined them in encouraging the deployment of this critical safety technology on U.S. roads and highways. We look forward to continuing to work with Congress, the U.S. Department of Transportation, the FCC, the NTIA as well as state and local DOTs to facilitate widespread deployment of C-V2X technology,” said John F. Kwant, Executive Director of the Americas, 5GAA.

“The Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America) strongly believes that vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technologies provide a singular opportunity to make roads safer, increase our global competitiveness, and create the modern transportation network all Americans deserve,” said Laura Chace, President and CEO of the Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America). “We are grateful for the leadership of Senator Peters and Senator Young in championing this effort to continue to encourage Federal support for these critical transportation solutions, in order that we might truly approach Vision Zero on American roads.”

“Families, friends and whole communities in this country have felt devastating, life-changing loss due to traffic fatalities, all of which were preventable,” said Lorraine Martin, president and CEO of the National Safety Council and Chair of the Road to Zero Coalition. “Advancing the use of C-V2X in our vehicles and infrastructure is key to saving lives on our roads. This is a much-needed plan and one we enthusiastically support.”

“As an organization dedicated to making biking safer and more accessible for everyone, PeopleForBikes understands the need for innovative technologies like Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) to help address the staggering rise in deaths and injuries among vulnerable road users on American roads,” said Martina Haggerty, Senior Director of Local Innovation at PeopleForBikes. “Improved C-V2X technologies alongside the accelerated development of quality bike infrastructure can help us create a safer and more sustainable future for all road users.”

The full letter can be found below or here.


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