A Resonant Current Motor that Brings Sustainable Solutions Takes Center Stage at International Forum

SAO PAULO, Nov. 18, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Modern science is locked into a materialistic physics that desperately tries to find ways of extracting more energy from dwindling natural resources. It’s an antiquated process that actually blocks the development of more efficient technology that can capture the abundant essential energy that Nikola Tesla was talking about 100 years ago.

As a result, science has reached a dead-end so serious that 1979 Nobel prize-winner, Steven Weinberg, has proclaimed that, “Unifying all the disparate theories of Physics will require the emergence of radically new ideas.”

These much needed new ideas will be explored in a permanent ground-breaking online Forum on Nov. 21, 2020. This free event will be highlighted by dynamic presentations on the science behind the award-winning Keppe Motor, a resonant current motor that changes science. Based on Norberto Keppe’s discoveries outlined in his revolutionary books on New Physics and Magnetonics, the Keppe Motor is a product of a new state-of-the-art physics highlighting magnetism.

The Forum will be the most important event of the year to discuss the New Physics emerging from the Keppe & Pacheco Trilogical College. Keppe’s decades long research concludes that it’s the inverted concepts in physics (as well as biology and psychology) that have given us a totally upside down view of reality in all fields of human endeavor. Keppe’s principles change humanity’s technological philosophy and productive output.

The Forum offers a stimulating and diversified selection of presentations by distinguished scholars, physicians and practitioners from around the world addressing the various aspects of Keppe’s New Physics and offering solutions to our myriad social problems.

For more information, contact Adriana Silverio at the Keppe Motor at +55 (11) 3032-2675 or by email at [email protected].


SOURCE Keppe Motor


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