We’re delighted to announce that we’ve expanded Transform, the most important event of the year for enterprise technical leaders on how to implement applied AI, to a full week scheduled for July 12-16 2021.
In addition to the reliable content VB has offered for years through our Transform flagship event, we’re inviting other organizers of events related to AI and the wider enterprise technology agenda to participate in Transform Week. Joining VentureBeat as Transform Week partners are Stanford’s Women in Data Science, Imago Techmedia, Data Science Salon, and more, bringing expert content from the data, informational, and security industries.
“We’re thrilled to join VentureBeat at Transform Week, allowing the broader community access to the latest data science and machine learning insights from the top enterprise companies.” says Anna Anisin, founder and CEO at Formulatedby, the producers of the Data Science Salon.
For companies and speakers wanting to be part of Transform’s stellar roster of speakers, sponsors, and partners, the application is now open. Interested companies should submit by January 14, 2021, to get an early review.
We are looking for top AI brands and leading AI practitioners who have real-world experience with AI- and ML-driven business applications and who have demonstrated breakthrough results using their products and services.
Attendees from across the globe can join online to hear from top industry experts on strategy and technology in the main application areas of AI/ML automation technology, RPA, data analytics, conversational AI, intelligent AI assistants, AI at the edge, IoT, computer vision, AR/VR, & robotics. Transform also features industry focused vertical tracks, which include case studies and insights from healthcare, finance, retail, manufacturing & security.
We are also announcing the VentureBeat ‘Best Of AI Software Solutions’ (VB Boss) curated shortlists of AI technology products, which showcase the industry’s best tried & tested AI products and the coolest up and coming ones respectively, with the VB stamp of approval. Our team of AI experts will carefully select these and you will have an opportunity to view these products and interact with their makers live, all under one virtual roof.
For companies and practitioners seeking to showcase their AI-powered results, we encourage you to submit your case here. Speakers, sponsors, and partners will be selected on a rolling basis, with early submissions closing on January 14, 2021. For inquiries regarding Transform Week partnerships or sponsorships, please reach out to events@venturebeat.com directly.