AR in Emergency Management: A New Way Forward

By Naveen Joshi

With technologies being integrated into every field, the field of medicine is the one that has benefited the most from AR in rescue management.

Our physical environment is more fragile, contrary to what we may think. It is prone to earthquakes, tsunami floods, fires or other man-made threats. As some of these disasters occur unpredictably, emergency management is something that, as a society, we have worked on continuously to help people in distress. This is where technology comes in. With AR and VR, personnel can be trained by recreating real-life situations to prepare them to aid in such disasters. AR in rescue management can help train individuals and enhance their situational awareness.


The awareness of the situation with respect to time and surroundings is critical when it comes to personnel delivering emergency services. AR can help hone this skill by providing this training through simulations, mapping danger zones etc.

A Helping Hand In Simulated Training

AR-simulated training helps individuals have a realistic experience without having to put anyone in danger. This allows the team to be put in an artificially recreated situation where they can make critical decisions on the spot. AR systems can be used for more realistic training where individuals learn how to respond to seizures, respiratory distress and trauma-related injuries. Instructors can program the alterations to see how quickly and accurately learners react to visual signals.

Pre-Emergency Preparedness

Utilizing AR/VR technology to identify hazards and performing safety training in a virtual environment are two ways to prepare for emergencies. Virtual reality can assist participants in correctly identifying more threats than documentation and images can, and it can successfully teach learners about evacuation procedures. AR/VR technology has a competitive advantage when it comes to pre-disaster planning.

Accurate Mapping Layouts

The effectiveness of an emergency response can be determined through data-driven technologies. Officers can use AR to follow the personnel and incident commanders’ movements while in the air. Officials will then use the technology to provide their team with street names and the locations of each team member at any time during the operation. They can also assist the crew in locating geographical features, power and gas lines, and the locations of the victims that might not be visible from the ground. After a disaster, recovery personnel can utilize AR to map the most sensitive regions of a town or metropolis. At such times, it pays to spot potential danger zones for locals.

According to analysts, understanding the advantages of AR in rescue management will push its expansion. As governments and businesses recognize the potential of augmented reality‘s real-time information overlay and disaster preparedness capabilities, its adoption will increase in the public sector.


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