Belfast teachers create software to reduce teacher workloads and make classes more efficient

Two teachers from Belfast have teamed up to create software that aims to reduce the workload of teachers and improve educational outcomes for pupils.

Stephen Houston and Chris Dillon have used their combined teaching experience to create the software, titled TransferTest, to help prepare pupils in P6 and P7 for their transfer tests, whether that be AQE, GL or both.

As pupils complete practice tests online, teachers can see the results in real time and highlight where they’re having difficulties. This means teachers are able to plan future lessons to combat these difficulties more effectively.

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“From my time as a P7 teacher; my Monday and Wednesday evenings were spent at the kitchen table, often late in to the night, going through papers and making notes on each child in my class on how to support them more effectively in class the next day, along with preparing for children not sitting tests and developing other lessons,” Stephen told Belfast Live.

“Our system takes the need for these late-night marking sessions away from the teachers, as children complete tests online, and generated reports on each child highlight where they are having difficulties.

“This system also aids staff and parents by producing useable data to inform planning and strengthen understanding in the areas with which children require support. It does this by facilitating the tracking of pupils with data from P6 through the summer and in to P7.

“It allows schools to maximize the support given to children by addressing areas of need and as a result improving individual children’s preparation for the tests; all without adding to teacher workload and without the need to further decrease the focus on other areas of the curriculum.”

They have already received great feedback from pupils, teachers, and parents at a number of primary schools where the software was trialed, with plans for its roll-out to begin from September.

The software also includes a separate site to support parents through the stresses that can come with a child sitting the transfer test.

“Both of us are very passionate about supporting children, that’s why we’re teachers originally. This system doesn’t only support the children doing the test – it allows the teacher more time to plan for the needs of all children whether they’re sitting the test or not,” Stephen continued.

“The most pleasing feedback has come from the children – who seem to really enjoy using the system. For me the benefits are not just for children and teachers however, as a parent this can be a stressful time, often negotiating the tests can be a difficult and daunting experience.

“Schools can of course give parents access to their school account but we have also launched a separate parent site, which has tests different from those on the school system and aims to support children who want that little bit of extra revision, giving feedback and allowing children to make corrections without constant input from a parent.

“The fact it’s transportable and can be completed on tablets/phones and laptops not only makes children more eager to complete them but also means for busy parents it’s an effective and efficient way to support your child’s preparation, should they choose to sit the test. While our school site launches later in August, an early version of our parent site is available now.”

The pair are hoping to expand the software over the coming years, including making it available to support all primary school year groups. However, with big changes to the transfer test process to come in 2023, they have plans to adapt the system accordingly and are hoping to continue supporting pupils and teachers along the way.

Stephen added: “We are thrilled to be visiting over twenty schools at the end of this month with our free trial offering and we can’t wait to showcase the site to even more children and teachers. If anyone would like to hear more about the system, we’d be delighted to hear from them, or they can check us out on Facebook.”


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