Nearly 60% of Security Professionals Believe Cloud Deployments Surpass Security Capabilities

Public and Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Complexity, Lack of Automation and Shrinking Resources Result in Misconfigurations that Lead to Data Breaches  FireMon recently, released its 2020...

Phishing Attempts Grew by 640% Last Year

Webroot Also Observed a 125% Increase in Malware Targeting Windows 7 OpenText recently issued the 2020 Webroot Threat Report, highlighting not only the agility and...

Stay Cyber-Safe While Telecommuting

Cybercriminals are taking advantage of the disruption caused by the Covid-19 outbreak to infiltrate corporate networks through loopholes created by the large-scale introduction of...

COVID-19: A New Weapon for Cyber Attackers

In the midst of an unprecedented global health crisis, malicious actors are taking advantage of the situation to attack the information systems of companies,...

Critical Vulnerabilities You Need to Find and Fix to Protect the Remote Workforce

By Tenable Security Response Team As uncertain times lead to a shift in how we work, identifying, prioritizing and addressing critical flaws that have been exploited...

Tips & Tricks: Long-lasting battery life

Let's get real! Most of us just want a smartphone that won't die by the end of the day. According to a survey carried out...

Latest Firefox updates address bar, making search easier than ever

We have all been spending a lot more time online lately whether it’s for work, helping our kids stay connected to their schools or...

Simple Security Tips Can Go a Long Way in Preventing a Catastrophe during Pandemic...

Jack Nilles, a NASA engineer, coined the term "Telecommuting" in the year 1973 using electronics to work remotely. At the time, he estimated this style of work...

10 tips for Zoom security and privacy

Gain full control over your Zoom video conferences, family gatherings, and online bar crawls. Source : Kaspersky With social distancing and quarantine measures implemented around the...

Sing your way to Security : Unique, Memorable Passwords Stronger than constant change

To mark Change Your Password Day, 2019, Kaspersky Lab’s security researchers are advising users that unique, memorable passwords are stronger and more effective than...



Cyber Security