Here’s How AI Can Prevent Drunk-Driving Deaths on the Road

By Naveen Joshi Drunk driving is much more dangerous than what many may know, with several thousand lives lost every year in accidents caused by...

Undergoing restructuring? Here’s why you need big data to transition your accounting data smoothly

By Naveen Joshi Businesses generate enormous amounts of data that need to be processed to produce readable insights and outcomes. Data analytics in accounting is...

How to add fonts to Photoshop

The right font changes the whole aesthetic of a visual project, but how can you add more fonts to Photoshop? Check out this guide to learn how to add fonts to Photoshop.

Can Healthcare Leverage Machine Learning to Tame the Indomitable Beast That is HIV?

By Naveen Joshi The continued growth of machine learning in healthcare is a huge positive for doctors and pharma companies in humanity’s long-raging battle against...

How to land an Apple career: Inside secrets

Starting a career at Apple doesn't need to be intimidating. Our guide assists you through Apple's phone interview, skill test, and final interview process.

Understanding The Scope Of Quantum Computing In Improving Supply Chain Management

Quantum computing use cases in supply chain operations can handle complex and impossible variables in a high degree decision model with precision. This...

Prevent Instances of Incorrect Allowance Payments to Your Employees with AI-driven Analytics

By Naveen Joshi As AI has increased manifold, using AI-powered data analytics in accounting and payroll systems has proven to eliminate any instances of incorrect...

How Automated Parking Permit Management Can Make Cities Smarter

By Naveen Joshi The creation of smart cities depends heavily on how well they manage their traffic and parking spaces. Smart parking permit management solutions...

How to use tab groups in Google Chrome

If you're a tab hoarder like me, chances are you'll waste tons of time looking through dozens of open browser tabs to find the one you need. Let us show you how to use Chrome's built-in tab groups to wrangle your tabs and get organized.

Leveraging Automated Boot And Tow Management To Tame Unruly Vehicle Parkers

By Naveen Joshi Most vehicular and space-related problems in smart cities are caused by inconsistent boot and tow management. Administrators in such regions need to...



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