How to use tab groups in Google Chrome

If you're a tab hoarder like me, chances are you'll waste tons of time looking through dozens of open browser tabs to find the one you need. Let us show you how to use Chrome's built-in tab groups to wrangle your tabs and get organized.

Leveraging Automated Boot And Tow Management To Tame Unruly Vehicle Parkers

By Naveen Joshi Most vehicular and space-related problems in smart cities are caused by inconsistent boot and tow management. Administrators in such regions need to...

Tech jobs: These are the 10 most in-demand developer, cybersecurity and cloud roles

CodingDojo scoured hiring data and employment stats to uncover the hottest tech jobs of 2022 and their earning potential.

You can be tracked online using your Chrome browser extensions

by Christopher Boyd A researcher has found a way to generate a fingerprint of your device from your installed Google Chrome extensions, and then use that fingerprint...

How Relentless Data Analytics Reimagines Employee Roles in the Cognitive Automation Era

By Naveen Joshi RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and cognitive automation have pushed employees to assume creative roles as the mundane tasks are handled autonomously. Big...

Can Machine Learning Improve Your Knowledge of Historical Events?

By Naveen Joshi The purpose of AI in education is to impart better content to individuals, answer queries and questions and that’s just the beginning....

How AR Prevents Blindspot-Based Vehicular Mishaps On Busy Motorways

By Naveen Joshi The involvement of AR in smart cities and the safety systems of modern vehicles promises to resolve a frequent cause of vehicular...

How Robotics Can Automate Religious Rituals

By Naveen Joshi Advanced technologies, including robotics, have penetrated even religion in the age of digitization. We can soon see robotic religious leaders who will...

It’s official, today you can say goodbye to Internet Explorer. Or can you?

by Pieter Arntz Today, the Internet Explorer (IE) 11 desktop application goes out of support and will be retired for certain versions of Windows 10. The...

Customize Experiences For Your Audience with Big Data-Driven Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Forecasting

By Naveen Joshi The use of big data in marketing can help businesses get a better understanding of their customers that can help create better...



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