Cisco’s WebexOne 2023: AI-driven hybrid work takes center stage, observes GlobalData

Gregg Willsky, Principal Analyst for Enterprise Technology and Services at GlobalData, says: “AI dominated the announcements, supporting Cisco’s commitment to inject the technology into every nook and cranny of the Webex platform largely via ‘Webex AI Assistant’, its new virtual agent.”

GlobalData analysis finds Cisco has added spotlight-grabbing capabilities such as “Webex AI Assistant” (now available), the company’s answer to the likes of Microsoft’s “Copilot”, Google’s “Duet AI”, and Zoom’s “AI Companion”. Cisco has also added more focused, yet still impactful features such as its own AI codec which delivers clearer speech for both meetings and calling.

Willsky continues: “Cisco is riding the winds of change that have swept across hybrid work platforms.”

The COVID-19 pandemic drove the ascent of these platforms and competitors responded with successive rounds of feature “wars.” Eventually, interoperability between platforms became the norm. Now, feature “wars” are back with competitors circulating AI features platform wide. Cisco is seeking to differentiate by touting AI innovations across both software and hardware, as well as promoting long-standing expertise in networking and security.

Willsky concludes: “As businesses envision the future of work, they look to transform the workplace and attract employees back to the office. Technology is supporting the change, but enterprises need to consider holistically the impact on employee experience, the underlying infrastructure, and avoiding disruption. Cisco is in a unique position because it has long standing expertise in collaboration, networking, and security.”


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