Dick’s Diggers slogan divides internet, Sydney’s North Shore community

The sign was spotted next to a Woolworths store in Mosman, Sydney.

A banner outside a Woolworths construction site has divided a local community after a passer-by shared the company’s “crude” slogan.

A man was walking past the Mosman worksite on Sydney’s affluent North Shore when he came across the banner for excavation company Dick’s Diggers.

The sign features the slogan “Our goal is your hole”.

The man was so “gobsmacked” by what he saw that he shared his outrage on Facebook.

“My wife and I walked past the Woolworths construction site today and we were shocked by the language so crudely displayed,” the man wrote in his Facebook post.

“There is a school not even a furlong away. I’m gobsmacked.

“How many thousands of children are being exposed to such filth? Surely our village is above this smut.”

The comment section of the community Facebook page was divided over the sign.

“Any child that’d be ‘inappropriate for’ wouldn’t get it, and would probably be confused on why the older kids are rolling on the ground,” wrote one Facebook user.

“Trust me, kids have seen much worse before lunch time,” another wrote.

Some defended the construction company Dick’s Diggers.

“Geez, there really are some true ‘Karens’ out there!” wrote one Facebook user.

“I’m gonna need some company swag,” wrote another.

The debate flowed onto a Reddit conversation board, where a professional sign maker said it was not the first construction company he’d seen use the slogan.

Another said it was a pretty common site in the construction world.

“Sign maker here: I have made so many ‘your hole is our goal’ signs for excavating companies, they always laugh and think they are the ones that came up with it,” the Reddit user said.

“I love to bust their bubble and show them the 100 companies that did it before them. Money is money so I do it.”

NCA NewsWire has reached out to Dick’s Diggers for comment.

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