Digital Burnout: Is it for real? Here are 3 handy tips to stay clear

Is WFH (Work from Home) getting on your nerves? Despite all the good news of reduced long commutes to workplace, increased time on hands to focus on work and team meetings with 100 per cent attendance; ‘Digital Burnout’ is now being observed increasingly amongst corporate professionals, students (with online classes) and also start-up entrepreneurs.

What is Digital Burnout, you may ask and how does one avoid it?

It is for real! Digital Burnout makes its presence felt when a person spends longer and longer hours in front of the digital screen. This extended time period with bright screens glaring into our eyes leaves us with a slight headache (have you ever noticed it?) and also muscular tension in our upper body – neck and shoulder region. Each day, this physical discomfort tends to mount up. It then begins to creep into our minds and makes us evidently irritated and sluggish.

During the days of lockdown induced by Covid-19 as a precautionary measure, a varied segment of professionals spent higher number of hours in front of the screen. Excessive screen use has never done any good to anyone, and it has now begun to make many people feel uneasy, devoid of physical strength, with lowered levels of enthusiasm.

However, staving off digitally-induced burnout is possible. Today, we recommend top 3 handy tips to get rid of your digital burnout (ironically, you are also reading these amazing tips on a digital screen yet again). 


Group chats, team meets and brainstorming sessions are the biggest culprits that cause digital burnout. While, these are the most integral part of our lockdown work-life, of late, its routine flavour is so lacklustre that boredom often creeps in.

So, the best thing is to change your vibe around. Make your special cuppa coffee, tea or health drink and sip on it savouring each swig as you continue with your online work.

Another smart option is by placing your digital screen by the window. This will create an imagery – where the outside world seems so much closer to you. Green open expanses through the window can invigorate your senses and give you the necessary digital break.


Wearing your mask is mandatory when you step out. So, invest in a pretty sturdy and good mask, wear your sports shoes and dress up smartly for a nice brisk walk at the preferred time of the day. If you like morning walks to get a dose of Vitamin D amidst the soft glow of the golden sun or you would like to watch the sunset as you walk the lanes, then don’t just think about it – do it. Take a short well-planned break from work. Tell your team members that you are stepping out or plan this outing before or after a suggested team meet on the digital platform. You will see a significant shift in your mood. Movement of body parts, fresh air and a change of scenery can enhance your creative abilities and make you feel refreshed. This will also help you to recover your fatigued bones, muscles and mind.


Did you not want some time off so badly till last year? Now that lockdown has given you a little time in hand, make use of it to connect with relatives and friends. Between your work commitments, instead of a text message, try a video call. The smile on the face of your elders and siblings can make your and as well as their day. Plan a school or college reunion during the weekend and share your jokes from the past. Feel connected with childhood friends. This feeling of camaraderie, gratitude and gladness lingers on often for days together. Work will always be the same but your approach toward it can be changed.


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