Empowering Economic Growth through Science, Tech and Innovation

In an effort to further propel Cambodia’s economic growth and foster innovation, the Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (MISTI) gears up for the highly anticipated 2nd National Day of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI Day 2024). With the theme “SMEs Go STI.” The event promises to be a key moment for the nation’s technological and SME development. Prime Minister Hun Manet will preside over the three-day (March 24-26) event at the Koh Pich Convention and Exhibition Center in Phnom Penh.

Khmer Times National Editor Ben Sokhean had the opportunity to sit down with Minister Hem Vanndy of MISTI to discuss the significance of this event and its implications for Cambodia’s future. Here are the insights shared during the conversation.

KT: Can you elaborate on the significance of organising the 2nd National Day of Science, Technology & Innovation (STI Day 2024) under the theme “SMEs Go STI” for Cambodia’s economic development?

Hem Vanndy: The 2nd National STI Day 2024, under the theme “SMEs Go STI,” holds great significance for Cambodia’s economic development. It underscores the key role of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as drivers of socio-economic progress. By integrating Science, Technology and Innovation (STI)into SMEs’ supply chains, we aim to enhance their productivity, competitiveness, and integration into the regional and global value chain.

Youth trying out electronic device at the 1st National STI Day in 2023 at the Koh Pich Convention and Exhibition Centre last year. MISTI

KT: Cambodia successfully organised the 1st STI Day last year, drawing 30,000 participants, including scientists, researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs, policymakers, students and the general public from across Cambodia and beyond. What are your main expectations for the upcoming event?

Hem Vanndy: Building on the success of the 1st STI Day last year, our main expectation for the 2nd National STI Day is to catalyse greater adoption of STI among SMEs. We envision a platform where entrepreneurs, innovators and policymakers converge to explore cutting-edge technologies, forge partnerships, and chart a path towards expanded production, improved productivity and sustainable growth.

KT: How does the Ministry plan to empower SMEs with technology and tools during the event, and what are the expected outcomes for SMEs in terms of growth and competitiveness?

Hem Vanndy: At the event, MISTI plans to empower SMEs through interactive exhibitions, showcasing machinery, tools and technological solutions tailored to their needs. We anticipate that SMEs will harness these tools to streamline operations, improve product quality and expand market reach, thereby enhancing their competitiveness and growth trajectory.

KT: Could you share insights into the interactive activities planned to engage the younger generation in science and technology during the event?

Hem Vanndy: To ignite curiosity and foster interest in STEM fields among the youth, we have curated a range of interactive activities, including science exhibition where students can see, play and explore scientific tools. By allowing students and children to play with scientific tools, we hope to foster their interest and passion in science and technology and contribute to the development of human capital in STEM fields.

Then Prime Minister Hun Sen (C) attends the STI exhibition during the 1st National STI Day in 2023 at Koh Pich Convention and Exhibition Center. MISTI

KT: With the showcasing of various technologies at the event, can you highlight some specific innovations or applications that attendees can look forward to seeing and experiencing?

Hem Vanndy: Attendees can expect to see and experience a diverse array of technologies and innovations at the event. We will have a Technology Forum where presenters will showcase prototypes, technological tools and solutions tailored to SMEs. In addition, there will be an exhibition of tech and tools that highlights the achievements of producers, manufacturers, spare part developers, digital solution providers and consulting services. The event will also spotlight technological advancements that have the potential to transform various sectors, driving progress and prosperity in Cambodia.

KT: As the Ministry introduces the Public Sector Innovation Awards during the 2nd National STI Day, what criteria will be considered for recognising innovation within the public sector?

Hem Vanndy: The Public Sector Innovation Awards will recognise efficiency-driven practices or developments within the public sector. Criteria will include the impact of innovations on service delivery, cost-effectiveness, and scalability. By acknowledging and incentivising innovation, we aim to cultivate a culture of continuous improvement within the public sector.

KT: How is the event co-organised with other stakeholders to promote and support science, technology and innovation in Cambodia?

Hem Vanndy: The 2nd National STI Day is a collaborative effort involving various stakeholders, including government ministries-institutions, academia, the private sector, civil society and development partners. These stakeholders will participate in different capacities, such as booth displays, tech shows, science exhibitions, promotion and funding support. Through partnerships and synergies, we aim to create an enabling environment for STI, driving economic development and prosperity.

KT: What are the main challenges and opportunities for Cambodia to become an innovative and knowledge-based economy?

Hem Vanndy: While we acknowledge the challenges including the limited integration of technology within SMEs, we are equally attuned to the myriad opportunities that Science, Technology, and Innovation can usher into our economy. With a burgeoning youthful demographic and a well-equipped young population proficient in foreign languages, our country can harness its human capital for innovation-driven development. Moreover, with increased investments in STI, as outlined in the Pentagonal Strategy Phase 1, the nation is laying a solid foundation for technological advancement. However, to fully capitalise on these opportunities, it is imperative to establish conducive infrastructure and enact supportive policies that foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, particularly among the youth. By capitalising on these opportunities and surmounting the associated challenges, Cambodia can position itself as a regional hub for innovation, driving sustainable progress and prosperity for all our citizens.

KT: What are the key policies and strategies that the Ministry has implemented or plans to implement to foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship among Cambodians?

Hem Vanndy: MISTI has implemented several key policies and strategies, including the Cambodia STI Roadmap 2030, six Technology Roadmaps 2030 (EduTech, HealthTech, TourismTech, EnergyTech, DigitalTech, and AgriTech), the National Research Agenda 2025, and the Tech Need Assessment. In addition, MISTI is in the process of formulating policies on R&D, tech transfer, STI parks, and other STI-related matters. Moving forward, we also aim to cultivate a vibrant startup ecosystem, empowering Cambodians to innovate and thrive in the digital age.

KT: How do you envision the role of science, technology, and innovation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the National Strategic Development Plan for Cambodia?

Hem Vanndy: Cambodia envisions STI as driver in achieving its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the National Strategic Development Plan. STI can offer solutions to complex societal problems, enabling us to tackle issues such as poverty alleviation, healthcare access, environmental sustainability, and economic growth. Through research, technological advancements, and innovative practices, we can enhance productivity, efficiency, and resilience in key sectors, laying the foundation for inclusive and sustainable development. Furthermore, STI plays a crucial role in bridging the digital divide and promoting social inclusion. By investing in digital infrastructure, expanding access to information and communication technologies (ICTs), and fostering digital literacy, we can empower marginalised communities and ensure that no one is left behind in the journey towards development.

KT: How is this 2nd National STI Day aligned with Cambodia’s STI Roadmap 2030?

Hem Vanndy: The 2nd National STI Day is a testament to Cambodia’s commitment to realising the STI Roadmap 2030 vision of building a favourable ecosystem for business. By fostering collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and technological advancement, the event is expected to advance our collective journey towards a prosperous and innovative Cambodia.

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