Google is adding more information to your search so you can better understand the sites results are coming from.
Google is making it easier for people to evaluate information and check the sources for results that show up on its massive search platform, the company said during the Google I/O developer’s conference keynote on Tuesday.
When you search for something on Google, a new feature called About this Result will appear under a given website in your results list. This will show you how the site describes itself, what other sites say about it, and its Wikipedia page, so you can make a more informed decision about which sites to trust. About this Result will begin rolling out over time.
Google’s new About This Result feature gives you more information about the sources of websites that show up in Search.
An update to Google Lens, the AR-powered camera recognition feature that helps you identify plants and animals or translate text on a printed page, will add new capabilities to help you quickly search, copy or listen to text you’ve just translated. The update will launch globally this month on Android devices, and later this summer on iOS.
Google is also experimenting with a new AI development in Search called MUM, which can transfer knowledge across languages and modalities such as text, images and videos. Google says it will combine a deep understanding of your query intent and the world’s information to solve even the most complex searches. Google says it will be 1,000 times more powerful than BERT, the neural network-based technique for natural language processing pre-training that helps Google understand natural language better.