How Can You Boost Your Business Operations with Hyperautomation?

By Naveen Joshi

Companies in all industries can use hyperautomation for business process optimization to ensure that they are not just efficient but also create greater value through their products and services.

While most enterprises have integrated automation into their business processes, automation alone cannot satisfy all requirements for a business’s expansion. The efficiency of a company is enhanced by automation, yet automation by itself can produce smart technology. Moreover, it only automates what is relevant instead of all that can be automated. What we need is one step up — Hyperautomation for business.

What Is Hyperautomation?

Hyperautomation is an integration of several technologies to fully automate all business operations inside a company using an integrated system. It utilizes technologies such as robotic process automation (RPA), intelligent business process management (IBPM), machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). Automation technologies are used as a blend of abilities rather than as individual entities. Hyperautomation goes through the data and then suggests the best course of action according to its understanding.

Technologies Used by Hyperautomation

Hyperautomation, also known as end-to-end automation, is achieved by integrating various technologies such as:

Robotic Process Automation
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) automates repetitive, high-volume tasks through a defined set of instructions. RPA is used in organizations to automate administrative operations through applications like automated payroll, invoicing processing and customer support.


Intelligent Business Process Management (iBPM) enables organizations to automate processes from start to end proactively. An example is the onboarding process, in which data must be gathered and saved, and subsequent actions must be prompted automatically. Instead of executing individual operations, iBPM enables workflow automation.

AI & Machine Learning

AI and Machine Learning enable software to develop and learn independently without programming. Machine learning algorithms in automation distinguish between tasks that provide value and those that don’t. To lessen discrepancies, they offer data-backed validation.

Benefits of Hyperautomation for Business

Implementing hyper-automation can lead to enormous benefits for every business.

  • Automation of routine tasks will improve workforce productivity and free up more time for higher-value tasks.
  • Since the requirement for human employees is reduced, businesses can benefit from fewer expenses.
  • Hyperautomation will lead to quicker, better insights for more efficient decision-making.
  • For businesses with outdated operations or low automation levels, hyper-automation will improve the efficiency of their business activities and achieve tangible benefits.

What Does The Future Hold for Hyperautomation?

By facilitating improved convenience and efficiency, hyper-automation is expected to revolutionize business operations. In the upcoming year, 85% of businesses will expand or maintain their investment strategy in hyperautomation, as predicted by Gartner. Deloitte has referred to this technology as “the next frontier for organizations globally.”
Hyperautomation has the potential to involve humans in the process, allowing technology and humankind to collaborate instead of merely coexist. With hyper-automation for businesses, they can analyze big data efficiently and apply the knowledge to their businesses.


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