How the Pharma Industry is Using Intelligent Assets

By Naveen Joshi

Since the inception of intelligent assets, the pharmaceutical industry has grown and flourished. It has allowed for accelerating management processes and productivity.

The pharma industry has implemented software analytics, tools and management systems to help run their operations. Intelligent assets have helped to solve many of the pharma industry’s obstacles. Their incorporation into field operations enhances the productivity and efficiency of the industry.


Some problems the pharmaceutical industry encounter include:

Data Collection and Analysis
In this modern era of Industry 4.0, data is a vital aspect of every business. Proficient analyzed data is part of the decision-making process. Rapid data analysis can increase the speed of the production process.

Supply Chain Disruption

Technical contingencies can disrupt a smooth-running supply chain. Sometimes, a faulty item is difficult to trace back to because of inconsistent old systems, which leads to disturbing other sectors of the business. Outdated systems and strategies will only delay and slow the pace of the entire operation.

Lack of Transparency

The industry needs accurate and transparent systems in the field of operations. The absence of transparency in the field could lead to miscommunication, which could cause production delays. Some companies are still using old management systems, which lack agility and accuracy.


According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, an intelligent asset is defined as “physical objects that are able to sense, record and communicate information about themselves and/or their surroundings.” The data generated by these intelligent assets can provide insights that will enable the operators to understand and improve aspects of the pharma industry.


The pharmaceutical industry has improved its operations over the years with the help of intelligent assets like:

Report Analytics

The software can thoroughly analyze data and create a detailed report. It can help to shorten and quicken the lengthy logistics process. A data analysis system can identify problems and provide quick solutions, which in turn will increase efficiency and productivity.

Asset Management Software

An asset management software will ensure there are no discrepancies in the supply chain. The software can track and deliver real-time information. It is a valuable tool for pharmaceutical organizations.

Present Transparency and Agility

New software tools like cloud computing make the process easy and accurate. They provide transparency for on-field operations. Cloud computing systems also consist of a feedback function, which companies can use to send and receive customer feedback.

Integration of intelligent assets in the pharmaceutical industry has been beneficial to each and every one involved in the process, from automating production to tracking supply, from data collection to logistics analytics and overall increased efficiency in the field.


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