How to safely download apps that are not available on Google Play?

Google Play is our go-to answer when it comes to downloading and installing the many many apps that we need on our smartphones on an everyday basis. Seriously, is there anyone that functions without apps anymore?

Obviously, this function that Google Play performs has become so important for users that people don’t even realize that there are other ways of downloading and installing apps (we are talking about Android users here – we know that iPhones have the App Store).

However, Google Play actually is not the only answer when it comes to finding apps. Sure, it might be the most convenient and popular place to go for new apps, but it doesn’t actually feature all the apps that you could be using on your smartphone. Google Play Store only lists those apps that fall within its rules and regulations, which means that a sizeable portion of apps that you might want to use, get iced out by Google.

What kind of apps does Google not allow on the Play Store?

So Google generally avoids listing any apps that it considers restricted content. This includes several financial apps, real-money gaming or online betting apps, and even some apps that might have content that does not meet the content standards of Google.

Because of this reason, many Android users end up finding secondary ways of downloading and installing apps from the internet. But since Google isn’t around to check the safety of these apps, it is up to the user to make sure that they find apps from alternative sources that are also safe to use.

More often than not, the most popular apps that don’t exist on Google Play are real-money gaming and online betting apps. In fact, according to the betting app expert from My Betting Sites India, most betting platforms provide their own APKs to users to make their process of installation as smooth as possible for the users.

How can you safely download and install apps without Google Play Store?

The process to download and installing apps that aren’t available on the Play Store starts with finding a reliable and trustworthy source for the APK file. There are other third-party app stores such as the Mi Store and Samsung Store as well – try your luck there.

Another way that you can find the real APK file is by going straight to the website of the brand you are seeking. For example, if you wish to download Dunzo MO, which is an alternative version of the Dunzo app that allows users to get restricted items such as cigarettes delivered as well, you can simply visit the Dunzo website and obtain the APK file right from the source.

Once you have the right APK file, the installation process requires the user to go into their mobile settings and simply enable app installations from unknown sources. But make sure that you have the genuine APK file, otherwise, you could be exposing yourself to unknown viruses and spyware.


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