Industrial Enterprises Will Generate 4.4 Zettabytes of Data by 2030

Industrial Enterprises Will Generate 4.4 Zettabytes of Data by 2030 – But Only a Shocking 5% Is Properly Utilized Due to Fragmented Data Siloes

By 2030, the global manufacturing industry will generate 4.4 zettabytes of data, surpassing this year’s collection by more than double. This vast data stream originates from diverse sources such as IoT sensors, CNC systems, ERP systems, automated identification readers, and MES. Effective utilization and seamless integration of this data are crucial for sustaining competitiveness, driving innovation, and harnessing AI-driven solutions within manufacturing. Yet, a significant gap persists: many enterprises and digitalization providers lack the requisite expertise to fully leverage data for optimizing manufacturing processes, resulting in substantial revenue losses of hundreds of millions of dollars.

In response, global technology intelligence firm ABI Research has just launched its Hybrid Cloud & 5G Markets research service. This service will help providers attract and serve customers by offering vital research on enterprise use cases, connectivity, and digitization requirements for hybrid cloud and 5G solutions.

“The Hybrid Cloud & 5G Markets service will deliver comprehensive research into enterprise connectivity, data generation, and cloud adoption strategies to empower telco industry players, chipset manufacturers, cloud service providers, and data integration vendors to attract and service customers effectively throughout their digitization journey. A vital part of this research service will be a detailed forecast of the amount and nature of data generated on enterprise sites across the globe. While a vast amount of data is generated in the wake of Industry 4.0, that data is currently stored in its own silos and, therefore, not utilized properly. Suppliers must thoroughly understand the data they aim to integrate to create a demand for data integration solutions—known as ‘Data Fabrics’. This understanding fuels broader digitalization efforts,” explains Leo Gergs, Principal Analyst at ABI Research.


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