Is Indian tech talent burning out? Here’s what’s wrecking employee health

India’s tech industry, a jewel of the nation’s economic rise, is flickering with a hidden illness.

A recent study by Onsurity, a leading employee healthcare platform, in collaboration with the Knowledge Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), exposes a troubling reality.

Titled Burying the Burnout: Decoding the Health Challenges of India’s Tech Geniuses, the study reveals that 43 per cent of Indian tech professionals grappling with work-related health issues.

What’s the root of the problem?

Long work hours, a relentless beast plaguing the industry.

As per the study, over 50 per cent of tech professionals in India are stuck to their desks for an average of 52.5 hours weekly, in contrast to the national average of 47.7 hours.

Consequently, a major 55 per cent of these professionals report that these extended hours are ruining their health.

From digestive woes like acidity and gut problems to musculoskeletal issues like back and neck pain, the consequences are widespread.

Disrupted sleep cycles, muscle stiffness, eyesight problems, weight gain, and frequent headaches are just a few additions to this concerning list.

Mental health under siege

Mental health takes an even harsher beating in this demanding environment.

Nearly half (45 per cent) of tech professionals surveyed confessed to battling stress, anxiety, and depression.

Sleep, a crucial pillar of well-being, crumbles under the pressure.

Over a quarter (26 per cent) experience sleep disturbances, with more than half (51 per cent) averaging a meagre 5.5 to 6 hours of nightly rest.

The impact spills over into personal lives as well, with 74 per cent of tech professionals forced to sacrifice family time and important celebrations due to unrelenting work demands.

A wake-up call for tech companies

Yogesh Agarwal, Founder and CEO of Onsurity, sounded the alarm.

“As India’s tech muscle propels our economic growth, nurturing the environment where these professionals thrive becomes paramount,” he said.

“Ignoring the daily struggles of our workforce not only makes tech jobs less appealing but also hinders the true potential of these bright minds. Our findings are a wake-up call for tech companies. We need a significant shift, with well-being placed at the forefront for these crucial teams.”

Rethinking Employee Well-being: A business imperative

The report echoes this sentiment, urging a change in employer mindsets.

Bharat Patel, Secretary General of KCCI said, “Prioritising employee well-being isn’t just about ethics; it’s a business imperative,” emphasising the link between employee well-being and business success.

“The IT/ITES sector is inherently demanding, and employee health often gets sacrificed at the altar of tight deadlines and setbacks. Focusing on preventive measures and fostering a supportive work environment is crucial,” he added.

The Path Forward: A multifaceted approach

The study suggests a multifaceted approach to improve the situation.

Employers must prioritise initiatives that safeguard the physical and mental health of their tech workforce.

This could include promoting flexible work arrangements, for instance, allowing for work-life balance.

Encouraging breaks throughout the workday can significantly improve focus and well-being.

Additionally, offering access to wellness programs and mental health resources can equip employees with tools to manage stress and prioritise their health.

Overall, fostering a sustainable work culture that values employee well-being isn’t just beneficial for the individual; it’s the cornerstone for the long-term success of India’s booming tech sector.

By prioritising well-being, companies can not only retain talent but also unlock the true potential of their tech workforce.

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