Kellton Tech signs a Multi-Year Cloud-based IoT Project with Dormakaba

Hyderabad, India, January 11, 2019: Kellton Tech, a global leader in Digital Transformation, has won a multi-year project with dormakaba, a world leader in developing access control and security solutions, for building a future-ready, Cloud-based IoT device connectivity solution.

As part of the engagement, Kellton Tech will leverage its technological expertise and innovative service delivery model to enable dormakaba digitally transform their access control and security systems. The smart intersection of cloud and IoT will help the client reduce time-to-market, enrich the customer experience, streamline operations, optimize operational costs, and improve quality of service at the same time.

Brendon Allen, Engineering Manager – Indianapolis, said, “dormakaba USA Inc. is pleased to be partnering with Kellton Tech on IoT technology projects.  The wealth of experience brought to bear on our projects and the flexibility and depth of resources will be key to our success. We look forward to a prosperous relationship for both companies.”

Karanjit Singh, CEO – India, said, “It is estimated that over 20.3 billion connected devices will be in use worldwide by 2019 and the IoT market will grow to over USD 1.7 trillion by 2020. We have been working hard to drive innovation, create significant business value for our clients, and bridge the gap between hope and possibilities. We feel privileged to have been chosen by dormakaba in their journey to embrace digital technologies and endeavor to build a strong foundation of data, information, and analytics using our IoT solution. The association will be instrumental in strengthening our position in the European market.”