Mobilogix empowers the Asset Management & Data Optimization Solutions

by Peter Nilsson – Chief Marketing Officer – Mobilogix, Inc.

Mobilogix empowers the best possible data optimization through precise asset tracking, monitoring, and management for the world’s leading companies. Mobilogix delivers the most precise data of any asset management and data optimization solution and, as a result, enables its customers to make more informed decisions and run more efficient and profitable businesses. Peter Nilsson who is working as CEO in Mobilogix explaining his views on Asset management, and Data Optimization Solutions.

1. IoT in asset management & data optimization – Asset management and data optimization solutions gather data and use the Internet to communicate or transmit that data to the person that is seeking the data in the first place. IoT is a concept, or situation, in where the Internet is connecting the “Things” via the management device with other “Things, whether it be a healthcare device connecting a patient’s vital signs to their doctor, or a car transmitting data to its owner regarding maintenance and safety needs of the vehicle, or any number of other assets that need to be monitored and analyzed. So, in IoT, it is the Internet that is the vehicle that transmits the data between an asset and the person that needs to receive and use the data.

2. What does the resulting data enable users to do?

The data gathered by asset management and data optimization tools are used to help users make more informed decisions and, as a result, run more efficient and profitable businesses.

3. Specific use cases?

One very large use case is all the e-scooters you see all over the world these days. Each one of those scooters has an asset management solution inside that enables the manufacturer, or owner, know the location and health of the scooter at all times. Is it where it should be? Is it functioning optimally? Does it need to be serviced? Was it returned, and more. Another good example of a use case that covers thousands, if not millions, of possibilities is the tracking or monitoring of any asset in transit from Point A to Point B. This would include tracking its pinpoint location. Its temperature. The humidity level. The speed. G-shock or drop-monitoring, ambient light, fluid levels, delivery pick-ups and deliveries, and so much more.

4. Global opportunities for companies to consider

The opportunities are really limitless. Companies in Automotive, Construction, Healthcare, Industrial, Manufacturing, MicroMobility, Supply Chain, Transportation, and more can reap very significant benefits from tapping leading asset management and data optimization solution.

5. What do companies need to consider when evaluating an Asset Management and Data Optimization solution and why is this important?

Cost. Time. Technology. ROI. And, most importantly, what is the overall impact the solution in question will provide. Cost because solutions range anywhere from $35 per unit to $250 per unit or more, and some of the best solutions are on the less-expensive side. Time, because time is money, and the time to get a solution to market can vary, but it should be no more than 90-180 days depending on the scope of the project. Obviously things can take longer, but these are good guidelines.

Regarding technology, it’s important to work with a provider that can cover all of your technological needs, whether it is 2G, 5G, Wifi, Bluetooth, or the next great thing we don’t know about yet…are they technology immune and agnostic? But the real rubber hits the road when the returns come in, and time to revenue is critical. And the overall impact that revenue can have on an organization. The bottom line is that an asset management and data optimization solution should help its users gain the most accurate and pinpoint data, and be able to use that data to run more efficient and profitable businesses.

6. Why is data so important to the asset tracking and management process?

Data is the backbone of any asset tracking, management, and optimization solution. You track, monitor, and manage things to gather data to help you make better decisions for your business. Data is what asset management is all about. Without precise data your assets are not being effectively managed and, therefore, you are not running the most efficient business possible. Period.