New Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) teams with Khan Academy to set up tablet-based smart labs
New Delhi : With an aim to improving the standards of education in schools by making optimal use of Tablet-Based Smart Labs, New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) on 3rd March, inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Khan Academy of India (KAI). The MoU was signed by Secretary, NDMC, Chanchal Yadav and Managing Director KAI, Sandeep Bapna, at the NDMC headquarters. Explaining about the agreement, Chanchal Yadav said that the Tablet-Based Smart Classes would be rolled out across 28 schools of NDMC and it would help about 11,000 students and over 150 teachers. She added that the technology was transforming the way children were learning and NDMC had already introduced Smart Class Rooms in its schools, which were yielding very good results.
The scheme is aimed at ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education from primary to senior secondary levels by using modern technology, she said. She added that it might be very easy for us to give assignments and assess each student’s progress in real-time, without any manual evaluation, he said.
Teachers would set up their classrooms and assign videos, quizzes and unit tests to students on the platform. These resources would help reinforce a concept that has been taught. They will also provide remedial help to students, according to their individual learning needs, said Sandeep Bapna of KAI.
Khan Academy India (KAI) is a not-for-profit, section 8 company, incorporated in India. Founded by Khan Academy Inc. (a United States 501(c)3 non-profit organization) and Tata Trusts, KAI’s mission is to make Khan Academy’s free learning resources available to millions of learners in India. Khan Academy India provides interactive educational content in English, Hindi and soon bilingual Hindi/English. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students succeed and enable students of all ages to learn at their own pace on their own time. Our resources cover math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, SAT prep and more.