Netflix has renewed two Indian reality TV series, Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives and The Big Day. Both shows will return for their respective season 2. The Karan Johar-produced Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives followed Neelam Kothari Soni, Maheep Kapoor, Seema Khan, and Bhavana Pandey through their glamorous lives. Condé Nast India’s The Big Day gave us a look at India’s multibillion-dollar wedding industry through the lens of six engaged couples getting ready for the big day. Additionally, Netflix India has announced a new reality TV series in Social Currency, from Mumbai-based SOL Production, that pits eight social media influencers in real world tests.
The three new Netflix India reality TV announcements were part of Netflix’s “See What’s Next India” event on Wednesday, where the world’s largest subscription streaming service unveiled a slate of 41 titles — across original series, films, documentaries, reality TV, and stand-up comedy specials — most of which will release in the 2021 calendar year.
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Here’s more on the three Netflix Indian reality TV shows —
The Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives season 2 brings back the quartet as the “seatbelts go off, the claws come out and the masks (metaphorical only) are taken off — it’s no holds barred. And wait, could they have some cool new company too? The Bollywood Wives will be back – with an all-access card to a world that everyone obsesses over. Sass, snark, sisterhood.”
Ritika Bajaj, Uttam Domale, and Naomi Datta are the directors on Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives season 2. Karan Johar, Apoorva Mehta, and Somen Mishra serve as producers for Dharmatic Entertainment, the digital label of Dharma Productions.
The Big Day season 2 (“Collection 2” to be precise) presents behind-the-scenes views of six Indian weddings, showcasing the work that goes into the spectacle and highlighting the personal struggles and triumphs of those taking the plunge. Anita Horam is the showrunner. Ashish Sawhny, Aakriti Mehta, Raonak Hathiramani, and Faraz Arif Ansari direct episodes of The Big Day season 2. Nikita Deshpande is the writer. The Big Day is a production of Condé Nast India.
In Social Currency, eight popular social media influencers’ “influence” is put to test in the real world without their superpower (their blue ticks and highly-followed accounts). In a battle for survival and influence, who will be the most ‘liked’ on and off the phone screens? Chad Greulach is the showrunner and executive producer on Social Currency. Sakshi Chopra and Rowhi Rai are part of the cast. Social Currency is a production of Fazila Allana and Kamna Menezes’ SOL Production.