Redmi 14C 5G will be launched in India in January. As we wait for the official reveal, the Chinese smartphone brand has released new teasers via its social media handles, showing off the colour options and display details of the phone. The upcoming smartphone will be launched in three shades with a 6.88-inch display. The Redmi 14 C 5G will go on sale in the country through Amazon. The 4G variant of Redmi 14C is available in India since August.
Through new teasers on X, Redmi has confirmed that the Redmi 14C 5G will be available in India in Starlight Blue, Stardust Purple and Stargaze Black colour options. The images show the rear design of the phones with glossy panels and centrally placed circular-shaped camera module housing multiple sensors and LED flash. The engraved text in the rear camera module confirms that it will ship with an AI-backed 50-megapixel main sensor.
Redmi 14C 5G Display Details
Further, the microsites of the Redmi 14C 5G on Mi India and Amazon India websites reveal that it will have a 6.88-inch display with HD+ resolution and 120Hz display. The display has TÜV Rheinland certification for blue light emissions, TÜV Rheinland Flicker Free certification and Circadian certification. The phone will come with dual SIM connectivity.
The Xiaomi sub-brand has already announced that the launch of Redmi 14C 5G will take place on January 6. Redmi launched the Redmi 14C 4G in August.
The Redmi 14C 5G is rumoured to run on a Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 chipset. It could pack a 5,160mAh battery with 18W charging support.