Signal has added chat wallpapers to its Android and iOS app with update 5.3, adding to list of features that are similar to what WhatsApp offers. Chat wallpapers will allow Signal users to set individual backgrounds for their chats or use a default background for all chats. This feature was spotted in a beta version of Signal last week and has now made its way to the stable version of the app. The team shared the development on Twitter, along with a post that describes new data management options that have been added to the app as well.
Through the tweet, messaging service Signal shared that it has added chat wallpapers with version 5.3 for Android and iOS users. Chat wallpapers, just like with Signal’s competitor WhatsApp, allow users to set an image as the background for chats.
WhatsApp has had chat wallpapers for quite some time now and it added custom wallpaper support for chats in December. Introduced to Signal now, this feature is another addition to the list of features being added to the app that are already present in WhatsApp.
Telegram, another online messaging service, has been taking jabs at WhatsApp ever since the Facebook-owned messaging service changed its privacy policy earlier this month. Signal being another competitor to Telegram, was not spared either. Telegram’s official account replied to Signal’s tweet about chat wallpapers and said, “You mean like the ones we’ve had since 2019?”
Additionally, Signal also shared that it added a setting in the app to use less data for calls, and it can be controlled by the user. This is part of data management and Signal users can choose if they want to make calls while on mobile data only, on Wi-Fi or mobile data, or never. Android users can tap on their profile in the app and select Data and Storage. This option is labelled Data Usage for iOS users. Here, they should see a Use less data for calls section with the three aforementioned options.
Does WhatsApp’s new privacy policy spell the end for your privacy? We discussed this on Orbital, our weekly technology podcast, which you can subscribe to via Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or RSS, download the episode, or just hit the play button below.