On 23 March 2021, Stockwik Förvaltning AB (publ) issued subsequent senior secured corporate bonds of MSEK 75 within the bonds’ existing framework amount of MSEK 450. The bonds reaches maturity on 23 September 2023 and have a floating coupon of 3 month STIBOR + 7.00 percentage points.
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the bonds, the company has undertaken to apply for admission to trading of the bonds on the corporate bond list of Nasdaq Stockholm and the company has for this purpose prepared a listing prospectus which today has been approved by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. The prospectus is available on the company’s website, www.stockwik.se, and on the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority’s website, www.fi.se. The application for admission to trading has been submitted and the first day of trading in the bonds is estimated to take place around 23 April 2021.
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The information in this press release was released for public disclosure through the agency of the contact person below, on 22 April 2021 at 12:00 (CEST).
For additional information, kindly contact:
David Andreasson, CEO
Stockwik Förvaltning AB (publ)
Telefon: zerosevenzerothreesixeightthirteenninetynine
About Stockwik
Stockwik enables its shareholders to be an owner of a portfolio consisting of well-run, stable and profitable, smaller, Swedish quality companies. Stockwik offers a stable platform for small businesses to grow organically and through complementary acquisitions. Stockwik captures the smaller companies’ cutting-edge expertise and in return offers the security and opportunities of a larger company. The Company invests long-term and acquire companies to retain them. In the Company’s investment process, Stockwik set requirements for both quantitative parameters such as capital efficiency and qualitative values such as good business ethics and order. The Company’s work rests on three basic principles; The right people, the right values, the right companies. Stockwik is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Small Cap with the short name STWK.