Tata Sky on Wednesday launched the Tata Sky Binge app for mobile devices to bring its over-the-top (OTT) content aggregator service to subscribers using Android smartphones and iPhone. The paid service offers access to 10 OTT platforms including Disney+ Hotstar, Eros Now, Voot Select, and SonyLIV, among others. To attract mobile users, Tata Sky also introduced a monthly plan of Rs. 149 that brings access to Tata Sky Binge on up to three mobile devices. The DTH operator also has a Rs. 299 plan for its customers accessing the Binge service on both mobile devices as well as TVs.
The Tata Sky Binge app is available for download through the App Store and Google Play store, depending on which device you have. The app is specifically designed for Tata Sky subscribers and allows access to the Binge service by entering either a registered mobile number or a Tata Sky subscriber ID.
Once logged in, the Tata Sky Binge app allows users to watch OTT content on their mobile devices. It curates content from multiple streaming services into categories such as New Releases, Popular Movies, and Trending Now. Users can also find relevant content as per their preferred language or genre. Further, the app provides a unified search to let you find content across multiple OTT platforms using a single search bar. You can also use voice search.
The Tata Sky Binge app offers a single sign-in access for all the listed OTT platforms. This, however, doesn’t work in the case of Disney+ Hotstar where you need to log in separately after signing in on the Binge app.
Tata Sky additionally brought the Rs. 149 mobile-only plan that provides access to seven OTT apps — Eros Now, Hungama Play, Shemaroo, SonyLIV, Voot Kids, Voot Select, and Zee5. It also comes with seven days of free trial.
However, if a customer wants to access the service on both their mobile devices as well as television sets, the DTH operator has the Rs. 299 monthly plan available. This includes access to 10 OTT apps on one TV and up to three mobile devices.
In 2019, Tata Sky introduced its Binge service by partnering with Amazon. It first arrived for Tata Sky subscribers through a custom-designed Amazon Fire TV Stick. The operator later moved to an Android-based set-top box called the Tata Sky Binge+ and has now brought it to mobile devices — through the new app. The purpose of the Binge service is essentially to provide customers with a single subscription and unified access to multiple OTT platforms.
“The launch of Tata Sky Binge Mobile app is in sync with our endeavour towards making our products available to a larger audience base,” said Pallavi Puri, Chief Content and Commercial Officer, Tata Sky, in a prepared statement.
Tata Sky Binge aggregates content from 10 OTT platforms: CuriosityStream, Disney+ Hotstar Premium, Eros Now, Hungama Play, ShemarooMe, SonyLIV, SunNXT, Voot Kids, Voot Select, Zee5. Customers can also access Amazon Prime Video through the service by signing in with their Amazon Prime subscription.
Similar to Tata Sky, Airtel has its Xstream service available to provide digital content alongside live TV shows and movies. Rival Dish TV also offers OTT platform access to its customers through the Dish SMRT service.