Take one look at the new Tula Mic, the debut product from Tula Microphones, and you can’t help but feel nostalgic. The retro, yet futuristic, microphone has some serious 1950’s vibes. But instead of doing the bare minimum, the Tula Mic packs in a ton of features that are sure to come in handy, whether you’re spending the day on Zoom or starting a podcast and want better audio than your webcam can capture.
The Tula Mic comes with a built in stand that rotates out from the back, and then folds up with magnets holding it in place when closed. Overall, the mic is about the size of a pack of cigarettes — a conscious decision, according to David Brown, the founder of Tula Microphones.
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Brown didn’t design the Tula Mic to be used strictly for improved audio on the video calls we all find ourselves on almost daily now. Instead, the Tula Mic includes features like a built-in battery that can record up to 15 hours of audio, which is saved to the internal storage, 8GB in total.
The mic even has a built-in noise cancellation feature that cuts out background noise. It’s not as aggressive as, say, Krisp, is but it should help eliminate accidental taps on the desk or the clicking of a pen.
The Tula Mic comes in black, cream or red. Included in the box is a USB cable and an adapter that you can use to place the microphone on any standard microphone stand or boom.
I currently have the red version of the Tula Mic on my desk and I plan on doing some more testing before I write up my thoughts about its performance, including using it as my microphone to record Jason Squared, our weekly video and podcast series where Jason Perlow and I tackle the latest technology topics.
Initial impressions are good, though. I like the size and portability aspect, and basic audio tests sound good to my ears. Again, I need to do more testing, but it’s promising.
If you’re sold on the design alone, you can order the Tula Mic right now for $199 through Tula Mics.