Germhub™ provides a way to determine the safety protocols and cleanliness guidelines practiced or required by a particular business or event. Users can set filters for searches by selecting desired protocols practiced, rate and review businesses or events, choose favorites, follow other users, and like and share reviews. Users can “check-in” at each stop to keep a private log of the places they have been for contact tracing of potential exposure. Protocols will be updated regularly, driven by the user rating and review system. Businesses or events can reply to user reviews and post comments or messages, including announcing updates to their protocols.
To view the introductory Germhub™ video, Ctrl + click YouTube link:
Germhub™ name and logos are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Germhub, LLC. ©2020. All Rights Reserved. Patent Pending.
For all inquiries, send email to Amy Schulz at: [email protected]
For more information and to join the “Waiting List”, visit: