Vivo V23 series India launch has been confirmed by the company through a small teaser. The smartphone lineup is expected to debut in January with 50-megapixel dual selfie cameras. While the Chinese tech giant hasn’t revealed which phones will be there in the V23 series, it looks like there will be at least two handsets in the upcoming lineup. Vivo V23 series smartphones have been spotted on various certification and benchmarking websites, offering a glimpse into its specifications and design.
A report by GSMArena has shared a small clip (via Twitter) which shows that a smartphone in “Sunshine Gold” colour from Vivo V23 series sporting an “ultra slim 3D curved display.” At the end of the clip, we can see two Vivo phones: one with a curved screen, and another which has an Apple iPhone 13 Pro-like spine, showing its triple rear camera setup highlighted by a 64-megapixel primary sensor. Without giving any launch timeline, the video, which was reportedly aired during a Kabaddi match, mentions that the Vivo V23 series is “Coming Soon.”
Here’s promo! Vivo V23 Series arriving on 5th January in india. #Vivo #VivoV23Series #VivoV235G #VivoV23Pro5G
— Paras Guglani (@passionategeekz) December 23, 2021
Previous reports have claimed that the Vivo V23 series of smartphones will debut with a 64-megapixel primary sensor in India in early January. The 64-megapixel claim has been confirmed in the clip. As far as specifications are confirmed, Vivo V23 Pro was spotted on Geekbench, which suggested that Vivo V23 Pro will get a MediaTek Dimensity 1200 SoC, paired with 8GB of RAM.
The upcoming series could offer the vanilla Vivo V23 and Vivo V23 Pro smartphones. Based on the information available, it could be possible that the Vivo V23 series of smartphones could be rebranded models of Vivo S12 and Vivo S12 Pro handsets which were launched in China recently. The phones in the video mentioned above show that Vivo V23 smartphones and Vivo S12 handsets have a similar design. Moreover, Vivo S12 Pro is powered by MediaTek Dimensity 1200 SoC and has 8GB of RAM — similar to what powers Vivo V23 Pro, as per Geekbench listing.
As far as the camera is concerned, Vivo S12 Pro has a dual front camera setup, headlined by a 50-megapixel sensor. However, the Vivo S12 series has a 108-megapixel primary sensor on the rear camera but the Vivo V23 series of smartphones will likely have a 64-megapixel camera.