The Tamil thriller White Rose, starring Kayal Anandhi and RK Suresh, is set to make its OTT debut after its theatrical release earlier this year. Directed by Rajashekar and produced under Poombarai Murugan Productions, the film opened in cinemas on 5th April 2024. Following mixed reviews during its theatrical run, the film is now scheduled for digital release on Aha Tamil from December 27, 2024, bringing its intense narrative to a wider audience.
When and Where to Watch White Rose
White Rose will be available for streaming on the OTT platform Aha Tamil starting from December 27, 2024. This allows viewers who missed its theatrical release an opportunity to watch the film from the comfort of their homes.
Official Trailer and Plot of White Rose
The film explores the life of a middle-class woman whose world falls apart following her husband’s tragic death in a mistaken police encounter. Struggling with grief, she becomes vulnerable and eventually falls into the clutches of a psychopathic captor. Matters worsen when her young daughter is kidnapped, leaving her in a desperate situation.
The gripping narrative focuses on her harrowing journey to escape captivity and rescue her child, presenting a tale of resilience amidst adversity. The intense storyline, combined with emotional depth, offers a suspenseful cinematic experience.
Cast and Crew of White Rose
The film stars Kayal Anandhi and RK Suresh in pivotal roles, supported by an ensemble cast that includes Rooso Sreedharan, Vijjith, Baby Nakshatra, Sasi Laya, Suliyan Bharani, Rittika Chakraborthy, and others. The technical team comprises Johan Shevanesh as the music composer, Elayaraja V handling cinematography, and Gopikrishna in charge of editing. The production was carried out by N Ranjani under Poombarai Murugan Productions, with distribution managed by Uthraa Productions.
Reception of White Rose
White Rose received mixed reviews upon its theatrical release, with viewers praising the performances of the lead actors but noting areas where the narrative could have been stronger