Workforce shaping to adapt to a new reality

Due to recent economic challenges brought on by the pandemic, many organizations will consider, among other things, reshaping their workforce. Workforce challenges tend to be viewed through a traditional workforce planning lens – the number of people or positions an organization has or need. Instead, workforce shaping is a discipline for organizations to articulate an intelligent and strategic understanding of the workforce they require in the next five to ten years. The need for this accurate workforce forecasting and planning had never been more critical amid the onset of AI and robotics – COVID-19 has created an even more urgent need. The global pandemic is forcing organizations that want to continue to thrive to bring forward their strategic planning efforts and apply them to more immediate futures.

Each organization’s workforce is unique and therefore organizations must determine the optimal mix of their workforce by adopting the principle of ‘Five B’s’.

  • Buy: Consider the number and mix of permanent employees your workforce needs
  • Build: Build your talents by upskilling and reskilling
  • Borrow: Not all employees need to be permanent. In certain cases, it is more optimal to borrow contingent contractors and consultants for specialized or one-off projects.
  • Bot: Use technology to your advantage. What roles can be augmented by using bots?
  • Base: Consider the mix base options organizations can offer to it workforce (offshore, physical environment, shared services, online working, etc.) to best optimize your workforce and facilities.

“As organizations exit lockdown and move into the phases of recovery and the new reality, this approach to workforce shaping must be constantly reevaluated and repeated,” says Charoen Phosamritlert, Chief Executive Officer, KPMG in Thailand. “Leaders within the people function that support their organization through this process will find their transition into the new reality smoother. This iterative approach will better position organizations to thrive in response to external influences.”

These are some key considerations to staying connected to your clients to enhance your business. For more tips on staying connected and growing your business, visit: link.


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